09 December 2008

Jorge Luis Borges

And i´ve done an other interpretation of a great artist. A friend of mine gave me this order as a present again for his friend who just moved to a new flat. Jorges Luis Borges was a great argentinian author and i really liked to do this drawing cos of his charisma and kind of unique face... the poem is:

" In which hole i could hide my soul so i wont see your absence
like a terrible sun without sunset, shining so absolute and merciless ?"

14 November 2008


In my last barcelona summer 2008 many stories happend, changes came, decisions fell and rised till i left the place i called home for 2 1/2 years in january 2009. what is left behind is this fanzine i made just before my departure...have a look and read here...

I get home from work, sit on my balcony and listen to this creepy 80‘s-song "i work hard for my money...i work hard for my money...lala...". The builder two floors down is singing some cuban verse in tune with the radio while the thumping noise of a sledgehammer drowns out the weird assortment of sounds. Yes, i also work hard for my money and feel envious of the person downstairs who just has to bring walls down and not have to worry about a short cash-up from the till, like i do. FUCKMONEY "lalala... i work hard for my money..." With a bad feeling in my stomach and offensive 80‘s sounds in my ear, i leave my flat because i don‘t want to be there but neither am i sure where else to go. In this situation i always escape to macba, where all the lost people of barcelona flee to. I´m arriving here amongst good company and even though i have bought 2 beers on the way to share with someone, i dont have the balls to ask if he wants to help me drink it. I start alone, finishing the first beer before opening the second with a group of punks on my left side and something to smoke between my fingers... I end up in deep conversation with one of them about the FUCKMONEY and how nice it would be without it...The punks parting words to me before i begin my familiar path home are: "We all have to love each other more. This world could be so beautiful... and that my dear is coming from a 45 year old punk!" I am not able to reply anymore, nor say anything against this, so i stumble home.

That happens when you studied something you dont want to be. Some get lost and i start a silkscreen- course instead of flash, draw more than i sleep and copie it 50 times...My first page in fanzine made for you and no one in special. First page makes first silk screen on your t-shirt or the one of your neighbour who likes it or not. Tell my stories and also yours, draw it anytime, anywhere...in here and on your chest, leg or back.


I know you think i dont have good manners when i ask for a favour, but sometimes i can be soooooooooo courteous, dont you agree?


03 August 2008

an ordinary love story

first...big love
 than second best
third...game over


09 July 2008


Meine diplomarbeit „fundort barcelona“ wurde wiedergabe meines lebens in der katalanischen hauptstadt. Die sicht einer deutschen - (ehm…) eigentlich innenarchitektur-studentin, auf die zonen des stadtzentrums, auf ihre bewohner und besucher, atmosphären und orte.
Ein buch entstand, poetischer und illustrativer ausdruck zu meinem Barcelona- la chica führt den leser auf 33 seiten durch die atmosphären und ihre geschichten in der innenstadt, collagen aus gefundenem altpapier und fotos aus der straße, augenblicke und besondere orte auf alten buchseiten, dargestellt in text und grundrissen.
Gefundene schätze aus der straße zu wertvoll und interessant um versteckt zu bleiben- das Diarama de Barcelona - eine 1,20 x 1,20 meter große holzkiste. Die ausstellung zum buch… La chica löst sich aus den illustrierten buchseiten und zeigt dem besucher der ausstellung in sechs fotografien, welche fundstücke ihr in die hände gefallen sind. Das Diarama recycelt meine fundstücke, konserviert meine erlebnisse anhand von 120 kleinformatigen fotos und sieben minuten bcn-sound…

My final project „fundort barcelona“ became representation of my life in the catalan capital. It´s the few of a german -(ehm...) in fact interior-design- student, on the zones of the citycenter, its inhabitants and visiters, atmospheres and places. A book was born, poetical and illustrative expression about my Barcelona-La chica leads the reader over 33 pages through the atmospheres and her stories in the center, collages of wastepaper and photos of the street, moments and special places on yellow bookpages, represented in words and street plans. Found treasures of the street too precious and interesting to be hidden- my exposition Diarama de Barcelona- a wooden box of 1,20m x 1,20m is the exposition to my book...La chica jumpes out of her illustration and presents in a serie of six photos which treasures she could capture in one year Barcelona. The Diarama recycles the pieces of the garbage, conserves my experiences by using 120 photos and seven minutes bcn-sound...

08 June 2008

drawings of my summer

ok, everything here in bcn seems to change, myself, my destinations, my friends, my feelings for barcelona...it´s time to make plans, to move on...but where i should go, when and why?! sometimes i really miss a big friend who takes me where i ought to be and shows me from above all my chances in life!

so sweet and so sour...

20 April 2008

"found" photos for the exhibition FUNDORT BARCELONA (by Sebastian Sarraute, editing by myself)

in La Rambla

in Eixample

in Eixample

in the old central of Barrio Gotico

in Raval
in the old central of Barrio Gotico
in the catalan Gracia
in Gracia
La Rambla
at ehe beach in Barceloneta
at the beach in Barceloneta
in Raval

29 March 2008

there is nothing funny about...we are working

...and thanx to Gerado, the best clown without permission who was ever seen in Barcelona...he was standing model for me in all the 6 months, has his special place in my book as an illustration and few lines in my text and 15 seconds in the bcnsounds of the exposition with his funny screechy voice. and the importenst thing...he makes me laugh!

all in one !!!

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! i cant believe it! everything comes together! in one day (one of the best in my project) i´ve catched 3 flys in one time...the day started with the bcnsound- mix and chopin (its done, big thanx and loads of kisses to paco!)...then the call from PAPELICOLA to tell me that my book is bounded and ready to be read! its beyond belief to hold your work of 6 months in your hands! and last but not least...the negatives of the first shooting are developed and i think they are magical like Barcelona (tied hugs to sebas who can take beautiful pics even without tripod and lisa who can turn even me into a model with her makeup-talent)! thanx to all the ones who made my day perfect!!!! yes, i had to put in so many exclamation marks to show my ecstasy!

24 March 2008

diplom 1925

Today i turned time back. Took the old dress i found on the street, started with one fotograph, ended with two after the first "shooting"...hihi
In my bag: ideas, make-up and the things of the garbage i collected for my final project
I was holding them firmly and friendly in the camara to put them in the right light, cause i think they are worth a special treatment...too precious to be rotten on the floor...
Today i jumped out of my illustration to take pictures for my exhibition, one part of my final project next to my book about atmospheres in barcelona...
The real pics of the shooting and the book itself i´ll put in my blog later!

16 February 2008

halbzeit im diplom und trotzdem keine zeit zum durchatmen

meine zwischenabgabe des diploms is mit der hoffentlich diesmal zuverlässigen post auf dem weg nach deutschland, adressiert an die immer hilfsbereite sekretärin.
mein konzept, der atmosphärenführer durch barcelona, hat sich im letzten monat vor der abgabe noch mal komplett verändert. ich habe eine naive entdeckungsfreudige figur entwickelt, ich nenne sie einfach nur "la chica" (das mädchen). eine zweite illustration zeigt einen grundriß, wo mir beschriebene momente und situationen passiert sind. und alles glänzt auf alten buchseiten aus der straße...hier zeige ich euch ein paar beispiele von zwei zonen mit textpassagen. 
"(...)Weil museen am ersten sonntag gratis schreien
Ein überlebenstraining mit meinem goldenen kompass
geölter sonnenschutzfaktor 30 plus und viel geduld
auf den köpfen der menschen treibe ich über die brechende hitze des sommers
und folge gehorsam den plänen der kompromisslosen mehrheit (...)

"(...)Dort erinnern mich neun eiserne letter an BARCELONA
und die eisdiele meines mitbewohners schmeckt nach sommer und freundschaft
Wo ich meine freundin von lecker kleckernden schokomäulern ablenke
wir gemeinsam dem clown beim pistolenduell mit der polizei zusehen(...)"

"(...) Zum frühstück gibt es frischen fisch aus dem hinterhof
Zum mittag beschreie ich sprachlos hausseite zu hausseite um zum essen einzuladen
Und später in einer bar gefüllt von ihren tapas und menschen, sage ich dem tag adios
"(...) An vier dünnen fäden lässt einer seinen lachenden drachen steigen
der mich von ganz oben schelmisch grinsend zum wettrennen anspornt
Ohne gangschaltung, aber das pedal rotiert von selbst
Im slalom eile ich durch die allee der palmen und laternen (...)"

cover work for curtis y estrada

cover work for curtis y estrada